Amir Wilson and Ruth Wilson

People are always eager to know the celebrities with the same last name, related or not. Do you think Amir Wilson and Ruth Wilson are related? 

Amir Wilson, 18, is an English Actor who has been involved in many famous movies like The Secret Garden.

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Whereas Ruth Wilson, 40, is also an English Actress who started her career as an Actress in 2000.

They are from the same country and have the same last name, so people need clarification about their relationship. Connect with us to learn about Amir and Ruth Wilson.

Are Amir Wilson And Ruth Wilson Related?

Although Amir and Ruth share the same last name, there is no slight chance they are related by blood.

People who share their last names might not be related by blood, but every one of us should be clear about it.

Fans have been curious to know about their relationship after Amir came into the limelight; he started his acting career doing Theretar in 2015.

Ruth is a well-known Actor. She started her acting career in 2006-07 and graduated from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She was always clear about being an Actress.

Ruth Wilson On Playing the Mother of All Evil
Ruth Wilson On Playing the Mother of All Evil. (Image Source: The Cut)

Both are good at their part; Amir has been playing the role of younger people in every series till now, as he is just 18.

Also, Amir was nominated as Younger Performer in a Daytime Fiction Program in 2021 for his role in The Letter for the King.

So, both of them, Amir and Ruth are in the acting field, share the same last name, and belong to the same country, England, but they are not related by blood.

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Actress Ruth Wilson’s Siblings 

Ruth was born in England to her parents, Nigel Wilson (Father) and Mary Metson (Mother). She was raised with three siblings, and she is the youngest of all.

She is the only daughter of Nigel and Mary Metson; they have three sons and a daughter, Ruth. 

Toby Wilson, Matthew Wilson, and Sam Wilson are her three older brothers; she has always gotten that love and support from her brothers.

Much information about her siblings has not been disclosed, as it’s their choice to make it private.

She was raised Catholic and sent to Notre Dame School, an independent Catholic school for girls. 

As a teenager, she worked as a model, and everyone in her family and her siblings supported her career path.

Meet Amir Wilson Siblings 

Amir Wilson has kept much information private. Wilson was born to his Father, Paul Wilson, and mother, Nagla Wilson. 

He was raised in England with his older sister, Iman Wilson. Paul and Nagla share two children.

Amir with his sister Iman and father.
Amir with his sister Iman and Father. (Image Source: WikiBio)

He began acting and training with the local theatre group Get Your Wigle On after showing his parent’s interest in being an Actor.

Wilson has just started his career as a young Actor, so he still has his whole career ahead.

Ruth Wilson and Amir Wilson’s Net Worth Difference 

There is a much different net worth between these two, as Amir has just started his career, whereas Ruth has been in the industry for more than ten years.

As per the Sources, the net worth of Actress is $7 million, and she has been earning it throughout her acting career.

Fans call for ‘excellent’ Amir Wilson to win awards for Will Parry performance
Fans call for ‘excellent’ Amir Wilson to win awards for Will Parry’s performance. (Image Source: Metro UK)

And the net worth of a young Actor is around $1 million, per the Sources. As a young Actor, he has been earning a good amount at the age of 18.

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